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Made from WeatherMax. Guaranteed for 5 years. This bag can be exposed to the elements 24/7 for five years. This material is light enough to be used as your general go to bag. Highly abrasion resistant. I use this material on my windsurfing mast sleeves that take an absolute pounding. Colour is light charcol with yellow ends. Reinforcement at the nose end and replacable orange flag which you can fix to either end. Not cheap but you are unlikely to ever have to replace.

U-bute Glider bag


  • This is what the customers say about this Ubute glider bag. 

    That's a really nice bag you made me. The size and shape is spot on, as are zip and materials. Cheers.

    Glider bag fits great with the new sail inside. Love the flag and fold over the zip. Nice colours. Very happy.

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